Sexually-transmitted diseases

[ad_1] sexually-transmitted diseases, also know that STDs are a lot of problems not only in the US but also in the rest of the world. Sexually-transmitted diseases are diseases that are transmitted when two individuals engaged in sex, knowingly or unknowingly exchange bodily fluids. For example, if a man ejaculates into a woman, the sperm […]

What causes blurred vision?

[ad_1] blurred vision can be quite uncomfortable experience. Not to mention the fact that it may be a symptom of serious diseases and conditions. The most common cause blurred weakening muscles misshapen lens eyes. When lenses also lose elasticity, it can also occur. Loss of elasticity is quite inevitable aging process, but this process can […]

Bell Palsy -? Virus or Stress

[ad_1] Now I’m not a doctor, medical research or pollster, but when I hear from over 540 people who have either had or currently suffering from illness Bell Palsy and every single one of them tells me that their illness was during or immediately after severe bouts of stress, I would be seriously tire does […]

Autonomic Assessment – the key to Chiropractic Care

[ad_1] Although chiropractors have been more than 100 years, in particular the health care field, there are different opinions about where this professional field belong – whether traditional or other health-care professionals. Chiropractors are just providers of spinal care or those providing treatment for various non-spinal conditions? What kind of scientific evaluation methods can help […]

Does Smoking Damage the Heart?

[ad_1] Yes, smoking Can damage the heart. The heart is the organ That supplies blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. It is about the size of a clenched fist, weight about 10.5 ounces and is shaped like a cone. The heart is the most Important muscle in the body. Circulation of blood […]

Angelfish Diseases – Proper Cure For Angels

[ad_1] There are two categories of angelfish diseases. These diseases can be contagious so be sure to leave as soon as possible infected angelfish from other clean and healthy fish in the aquarium. The first is a bacterial disease angelfish and the other parasitic diseases angelfish. Both are doctors and be prevented proper care. Both […]

Koi Carp Diseases

[ad_1] There are several diseases that Koi fish can suffer from many of them are related directly to fluctuations in temperature and extreme weather changes. Koi fish are very sensitive to cold and tend to fall very ill if exposed to the cold for too long. Broadly Koi Carp disease causes can be classified into […]

Poultry Diseases: causes, symptoms and treatment

[ad_1] poultry diseases are ailments affecting birds are usually raised for human consumption such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, pheasants and quail. Those diseases may be bacterial, viral, but because of deficiencies, parasites and neoplastic. While there are a number of common poultry diseases among these birds, let’s take a look at certain diseases affecting […]